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5 Clever Pitches To Get a Journalists Attention

All the best stories that make the news have the common ability to be remembered, but it all starts with an idea. The stories have to come from the starting point of a PR strategy and liaising with a journalist, or journalistic sources that give you help. It requires work, but out of all cheap marketing ideas it is one which is hugely beneficial because, in a time of information overload, we still love a good story.   They grab the attention, if only for a short while, but whatever the tale they have to offer something a little different to readers. If you’re crafting a story to send to the media, then think about who you are aiming it at. The story should only go to an audience likely to be interested, otherwise, it will be considered spam - so check that you are sending it to the right journalist on the correct publication for your target audience. For instance, a sports reporter will not want to hear about a new vacuum cleaner that can be programmed to clean the house...
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How to use clever ways to advertise your business

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How to Help a Reporter Out: A Simple Definition

Journalists are busy people. In this day and age tight deadlines, limited resources and colossal workloads make their load a heavy one. It’s not always good for the general well-being and much of the business community find journalists quite unapproachable. They need assistance and the ability to help a reporter out, genuinely, can be one that can carry someone a long way. The stereotype of the miserable, rude journalist, held by many is a lazy generalization. Often journalists are very approachable and friendly.   There are  just a few things you need to know, so don’t let nerves put you off in your quest to be-friend journalists working in your business sector. After all, a good article placing you as an expert in your field will do more for your reputation than any amount of advertising.   Remember, the journalist giving you a platform is a third party recommendation saying that you’re an expert at what you do. How much better is that than a paid-for adverti...